Most dogs love to play tug, but is that the right thing to do? Certified dog trainer and dog behavior counselor, Mikkel Becker, says that it's okay to play tug but you have to set rules to make sure it's...
Dog misbehavior can be normal body language for a dog - some breeds have more energy than others. Mikkel Becker, certified dog trainer, explains the best way to get better behavior from your dog by reinforcing good behavior and redirecting...
Did you know there is a right and wrong way to pet a dog? Certified dog trainer, Mikkel Becker, teaches the best way to pet a dog and how to understand different signals during the interaction.
Jackson has 3 straightforward tips that you should try implementing gradually over a period of time to see if you can help bring out the best in your cat by overcoming their fears.
Wondering how to introduce your new cat to your resident dog? Watch this practical guide to make sure that your cat and dog's first meeting is a positive one.