You see it all the time — posters with photos of adorable dogs that likely escaped from their own backyards or took off running after a squirrel at the park, along with their owner’s desperate pleas for help in locating...
Cats need mental stimulation and exercise just like people. Regularly playing with your newly adopted cat is not only fun, but it provides valuable exercise for cats of all ages. Just as important, it strengthens the feline-human bond, which is...
Cats typically don’t enjoy car rides, new environments, or change in general, so arriving at your home is likely going to be frightening for your new pet. Here are some tips to help make her homecoming less stressful.
If you are a doting pet owner, it’s your prerogative to have meaningful images to share online, to have framed images within your home or at your workplace, and to even feature your furry friend on the annual holiday card....
Children are naturally drawn to cats, but it’s important to lay some ground rules for the safety of all concerned. An overzealous toddler could severely hurt a kitten. On the flip side, cat scratches and bites can pose serious health...
Whether you already have a dog and are considering adopting a cat, or vice versa, it is very important to think about their first introduction. By letting a loose cat and an off-leash dog meet each other in an open...
Jackson has 3 straightforward tips that you should try implementing gradually over a period of time to see if you can help bring out the best in your cat by overcoming their fears.
Wondering how to introduce your new cat to your resident dog? Watch this practical guide to make sure that your cat and dog's first meeting is a positive one.
‘Tis the season for trees, candles, and lights, but while it may bring holiday joy to adorn your home with an array of festive décor, cat owners may want to think twice about displaying some of the most common holiday...
International Cat Day, or World Cat Day, is celebrated on August 8. It was created in 2002 by the International Fund for Animal Welfare as a way to both celebrate the relationship between humans and cats as well as to...
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