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Dog Training Tips

Tips to Safely Introduce Your New Rescue to Your Current Furbaby
  Adopting another pet? Congratulations! Already have a pet at home? Proceed with caution... Introducing a new pet to a home that already has a pet can be a gradual process that requires patience and preparation. Here are some tips...
Halloween Costumes for Your Dog
Halloween is a time for candy and, of course, cute costumes. And while you may not be able to share a Snickers with your four-legged pal, there’s no reason why you can’t celebrate the holiday by playing a little dress up with one of the season’s array of pet-friendly costumes.
Why a Crate is Essential
A crate can play a critical role in keeping your new dog safe, helping him feel secure as well as helping you train him or fine-tune skills he already has! If you’ve never crate trained before, think of the crate...
Dog Training Myth: I Don't Have Time To Train My Dog
Fear Free's lead animal trainer, Mikkel Becker, offers helpful tips on how to train your dog when you feel you don't have enough time.